Monday, November 18, 2013

Apps Organizer - A better and simple way to organize your Android apps

App Recommendation

Got too many apps installed on your Droid and finding it difficult to locate the app you need? Scrolling screens over and over is not the best way.

Creating folders and dragging icons is another painful way.

Another option is by using App Organizer, which is a free app in Google Play. It provides you with a list of all your apps and 'labels' or categories under which you wish to see the app. Tap the app, then tap the label ~ multimedia, games, etc. You can cover all your apps in five mins flat. And each label acts like a folder that you can setup as a widget on homescreen.
And you can create your own labels he you want.
There is an option to auto-label all your apps at one go, however, I won't recommend that as it is not so accurate.

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