Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nexus Media Importer

Android App Recommendation

Nexus Media Importer is an app for your Nexus 7 (2012 and 2013) and other Nexus devices to use external media storage like pen drives or SD cards via card readers. This is the first paid app that I am recommending because this is the only you option by which you can connect pen drives to your Nexus devices WITHOUT rooting them.
Of course, the other way, which is free, is by rooting your phone and then using one of the many third party apps available.

Nexus Media Importer
However, if you just want to access photos from your pen drive, then a free version of this app is available, called Nexus Photo Viewer. It lets you view the images saved in external storage.

Please note, you will need an OTG cable to connect pen drives to your Nexus, which is easily available these days, even at small mobile shops, for around Rs. 100. Or else, you can order one of the 'hybrid pen drives' coming in the market.

Check on Google Play: Nexus Media Importer
Check on Google Play: Nexus Photo Viewer

Make your Android look like Windows Phone 8

App Recommendation

Launcher 8 for Android: If you are bored of your default Android look and want to have the Windows 8 theme for it, 'Launcher 8' is the app for you.
It is a free app and you can get on Google Play. In case you are new to launchers, these are kind-of themes that will provide your phone a whole new look and feel, including icons. There are many other launchers as well, my preferred is 'Smart Launcher', though for Lumia theme, Launcher 8 is the one.

Check it on Google Play
Launcher 8 for Android

Windows 8 Theme for Android

Friday, December 6, 2013

NES Games 64 in 1 - Mario and Contra for Android

App Recommendation

Get nostalgic! Return to the games you grew up with - Super Mario, Contra, Islander, Galaxy, Spartan and all of those - right on your Android smartphone. Now, this has only increased my love for Android.
It has the same old 8 bit visuals and exactly same tunes with a joystick like floating controls.
NES 64 in 1 Games for Android
It is available on Google Play for free. Go to Play store and search for '64in1'. Thanks to the developer Jessica Dwyer. It works on tabs and phones smoothly and has a very small size. Enjoy!

Mario, Contra and other old games for Android device: Click here to go to the app page on Play

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nexus 5 vs iPhone 5s

Phone Comparison

A not-so-tech-savvy cousin of mine recently asked me which phone to go for - Nexus 5 or iPhone 5s. I asked him what does he look for in a phone and few other general things, I prepared a 'quick' comparison chart. It may help anyone else who is stuck on same question.

I have kept it to minimum and excluded any general features like messaging, bluetooth or multimedia, as we expect these to be in a smartphone by default. I have added HDMI out and WiFi Direct specifically as these features are something that is used more often these days.

Nexus 5 iPhone 5s comparison
Nexus 5 vs iPhone 5s

Based on this comparison, Nexus 5 beats iPhone 5s hands down.

And the price is the knock-out punch!
Nexus 5 starts at $349 for 16GB (Rs. 28,999 in India) and iPhone 5s starts at $649 for 16GB. In India, prices are a little higher, Rs. 28,999 for Nexus 5 and around Rs. 53,499 for iPhone 5s.
Release date - Both phones are now officially available in India.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Apps Organizer - A better and simple way to organize your Android apps

App Recommendation

Got too many apps installed on your Droid and finding it difficult to locate the app you need? Scrolling screens over and over is not the best way.

Creating folders and dragging icons is another painful way.

Another option is by using App Organizer, which is a free app in Google Play. It provides you with a list of all your apps and 'labels' or categories under which you wish to see the app. Tap the app, then tap the label ~ multimedia, games, etc. You can cover all your apps in five mins flat. And each label acts like a folder that you can setup as a widget on homescreen.
And you can create your own labels he you want.
There is an option to auto-label all your apps at one go, however, I won't recommend that as it is not so accurate.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Nexus 4? Nexus 5? Go buy!

Breaking the MYTH

Recently, a colleague of mine decided to order a Nexus 4. Then he noticed the 'LG' tag on the rear of the phone and changed his mind to order a Samsung Galaxy S3 instead. Do you have similar apprehensions for Nexus phones, mainly LG phones?
LG may not be as big a name as Samsung, but it's Nexus phones are of supreme quality and can even beat Galaxy phones in terms of performance. I am not getting paid to write this, but just want to to break the myth that LG produces inferior phones.

You may be aware, Google prefers to select a different hardware manufacturer each time for its new phone or tablet. However, it consecutively signed LG for Nexus 5 after Nexus 4. It's just because Nexus 4 was really impressive. So don't think a lot, go and pick up your Nexus phone.
My personal experience, I bought LG Optimus One at the time of launch (2011 end) and its still working great, touchwood.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Start Menu for Windows 8

Random Fix

Are you irritated by Windows 8? And mainly by its Start Screen?
If you want to switch back to good old Start Menu, all you have to do download and install this nifty app from the website
Just like you, I was terribly annoyed by the Start Screen and was unable to locate anything on my new PC. This start menu, which is from a third party, is exactly identical to the original Windows Start Menu. Try it! By the way, this is my first tweak with Windows 8 and I am loving it. I will surely need many more to get convenient with Windows 8, will keep sharing.

Download it here